Fabulous article posted for parents of children with developmental disabilities regarding sibling relationships. http://www.autism-society.org/site/DocServer/LWA_Siblings.pdf?docID=4183
Strategies for Parents From “Life Beyond Disability” in the Parent-to-Parent Training Guide
1. Be open and honest- be available for questions and ANSWERS TO THEIR QUESTIONS. 2. Value each child individually. 3. Limit caregiving responsibilities of siblings 4. Use respite care and other supportive services to allow special time with the siblings. 5. Be fair. Treat the child with the disability as much like your other children as possible. 6. Accept the disability- this helps siblings also deal with it. 7. Put together a library of children’s books for siblings to read on the disability. 8. Schedule special time with the sibling. 9. Let siblings settle their own differences and learn to solve problems together. 10. Welcome other children and friends into your home. 11. Praise siblings – all children need parental praise. 12. Recognize that you are the most important, the most powerful teacher of your children. 13. Parents should recognize the uniqueness of their family. 14. Listen to siblings. 15. Involve the siblings in the decisions about their disabled brother or sister. 16. Require the disabled child to do as much for him/herself as possible. 17. Recognize each child’s unique qualities and family contributions. 18. Encourage the development of special sibling programs. 19. Help establish a sibling support group. 20. Recognize special stress times for siblings and plan to minimize negative effects. 21. Use professionals to help siblings as needed. 22. Teach the siblings to interact.
STAR is an not-for-profit member organization whose mission it is to assist children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families. Beginning with infants and children with special needs, STAR's Rubino Center provides early intervention services through individualized therapeutic, educational, and social services.
*Children are more likely to generalize skills learned in places that they use them *Children learn appropriate social skills from typical peer *You are the primary teacher of your child, since you spend the majority of time with him/her *If interventions take place throughout your child's day, he/she has more opportunities to experience and practice *Each family and child is unique with individual needs and concerns *Services should support the family as a whole
Director of Birth to Three Administrative Assistant Speech Therapists Physical Therapists Occupational Therapists Social Worker Special Education Teachers Early Intervention Associates Director of Family Support
EVALUATIONS After making a referral to the Birth to Three info-line, and being assigned to the Rubino Center, a team will meet in your home or other comunity site to evaluate your child. We will ask questions related to your child's growth and development , and how to best meet your child's needs. We will evaluate your child in five areas, self-help, cognitive, skills, communication skills, physical development, and social/emotional development. We will also obtain a complete history of pregnancy, birth, and other family membes. This process will takes approximately one hour, and at the time we will inform you if we believe that your child is eligible for services. HOME VISITS Home and community visits provide an opportunity for us to work together with your family and child in a setting that is familiar and comfortable. Our approach is to learn existing daily routines, break them down to specific skills, and build on them . This is done through child friendly play-based activities . Your early interventionist is a partner in your child's development and will assist you in learning techniques to help him/her reach his/her potential. SERVICE COORDINATION Your service coordinator is your contact person to help make sure that your child and family outcomes are being addressed . This is someone to turn to so that you don't feel alone. They will listen to your concerns and together determine what works and doesn't work for your family and how to rectify any issues. They help organize your child's program and assist when any difficulties arise. COMMUNITY SUPPORT Our staff provide consultation or support to community providers, other caregivers, preschools, and daycare centers to help make your childs experience successful. They can teach instructional strategies to implement your child's program, provide information on disabilities, and promote awareness of inclusion of all children in their community. COUNSELING Having your child identified as having a special need creates feelings and concerns during the initial period of learning of the need for services. Initial counseling regarding your child's disability, guidance toward appropriate medical and program services, and referral to community emotional supports are offered. TRANSITIONS Several months prior to your childs third birthday, your Service Cordinator will discuss the transition process and request a release of information to your child's local educational agency or other community programs. Within 90 days of your childs' birthday, an initial transition meeting will be scheduled with the Rubino Family Center and your child's school program. If an evaluation is deemed necessary, another meeting will take place after evaluations are complete. At this meeting the team will review the assessement results and discuss the recommendations.
Family support offers the families of children and young adults the support and resources to strengthen the family and decrease stress. To the greatest extent possible, services are designed to maximize inclusion and participation of the entire family in the community by strengthening the already existing natural support network and helping to connect the family to community resources. Services may include: Information and Referral Educational Advocacy Inclusion Faciliation Transition Plannin Behavioral Consultation Respite services Community Education Family Counseling Entitlement program assistance Parent training Parent support groups PATHs/MAPS Sibling Support Casemangement and follow-up