In the 1008 February session, the insurance and real estate commission introduced Raised Bill 5696, "an act requiring insurance coverage for autism spectrum disorder therapies." As raised, the bill required individual and group health insurance policies delivered, issued renewed, amended or continued in Connecticut on or after January 1, 2009 to provide coverage for the treatment of pervasive developmental disorders (also known as autism spectrum disorders) including psychiatric, psychological, therapeutic and habilitative care based on the principles of Applied Behavioral Analysis, which is sometimes referred to as "in-home behavioral support."
Numerous people spoke at the public hearing. The committee favorably reported a substitute bill on March 11, 2008 that eliminated the coverage requirement of the raise bill. Instead, the substitute bill required individual and group health insurance policies delivered, issued, renewed, amended or continued in Connecticut on or after January 1, 2009 to provide coverage for phycial, speech and occupational therapy service fo rthe treatment of autism spectrum disorders to the extent those services are covered and benefit for other diseeases and conditions under the policy."
Public Act 08-132 passed. It defines "autism spectrum disorder" based on the American Psychiatric Association's most recent disagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders.
It applies this requirement to the group and individual: (1) health insurance policies that cover basic hospital, medical-surgical or major medical expenses (2) HMO contract covering hospital and medical expenses and (3) hospital or medical service contracts. Due to federal preemption, this requirement does not apply to self-insured plans.
Taken from Janet L. Kaminski Leduc, Senior Legislative Attorney
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